Managing Time-Off Requests is one of the most time-consuming tasks HR managers face, but with Humanagement, Managing time-off requests becomes efficient and streamlined. The software automates the entire process, allowing employees to submit requests online and HR managers to review and approve them with just a few clicks. Additionally, Humanagement provides real-time visibility into employee schedules, making it easier to plan and allocate resources effectively. 

How to create Time-off Type

To create a time of type please follow these easy steps:

1. Log into your Humanagement account

2. On the navigation bar, Click on Settings. This will reveal a drop-down menu, click on Time-Off Types.
3. Click on Add New to create a new time off type specific to your company structure, putting in all the necessary details.

Please note: If the Time-off type is Paid, tick the small box to indicate this.

4. Click on Create to save this. You can create as many Time-Off types as needed


How to Edit a Time-off type

Follow these easy steps to Edit a time-Off type

1. Log into your Humanagement account.
2. On the Navigation bar, click on Settings on the drop-down menu and click on Time-off Types.
3. Choose the Time-Off type you want to edit, then click on the pen icon. This will open a form that will enable you to edit the details.
4. Click Update to save changes.

To delete a Time-Off type, Click on the pencil Icon on the time-off type you want to delete This will reveal a form. Click on the delete Icon.