To answer questions asked by users in Humanagement, please follow these easy steps:
  • Step 1
Log in to your Humanagement account 
  • Step 2 
On the navigation pane, click on Knowledge Base to reveal a drop-down menu. Click on "View all articles"

  • Step 3
Click on the "Asked Questions" tab to reveal a list of questions asked by users.

  • Step 4
Select the question you wish to answer.
This will open in the form of an article. Please click on the edit button to answer the question.
  • Step 5
When finished, click on Save and Publish.


We recommend that when a question is answered, the article be assigned to the user who asked it using the "Assign to Individuals" tab. This will enable the user to see the answers to his or her questions.

Option 2

If the question asked is part of an article with sufficient information to address the question, Simply refer the individual to the article by:

  • Assign the article to the individual.
  • Tag the article using keywords related to the question so it comes up during searches in the future