To clean up your space you might need to archive some old stat to be more focused on recent stat. Here are the steps to take to archive a stat and also retrieve an archived stat:
- STEP 1:
Log in to using your work email and work password here.
- STEP 2:
Go to the stat you want to archive. You can do this either by selecting "Single Stats" or "Stat Grid" from the "Statistics" dropdown
- STEP 3:
From the Stat click on the button with the settings icon at the top left of your stat
- STEP 4:
Go to the bottom of the stat info page, and click on switch button in front of "Archived", then click the "Save" button to save to Archived stat
- STEP 5:
Click on "Archived Stats" from the Statistic dropdown to view your archived stat, For each stat there is an "Un-Archived" button. Click on it to retrieve your stat