Your company's knowledge Base in Humanagement is the archive for all of your company's policies, courses, and articles. Articles are extremely useful and can serve as a guide for both old and new employees. 

In Humanagement, you can create a standard document in any category you desire by using the templates in the articles as a starting point. Such a document can be customized and adopted for your company's use. Ensure you adjust to your company's standard.


once logged-in to your Humanagement account, go to <Knowledge Base><Create new article>

Remember you can always create an article from scratch using the rich text editor or import your very own.

Click on <Article Template>  to choose from the exiting categories.

Under each category, you also have the option to choose on the subject of the article. Click on <Create> to start the process.

After adjusting the document to your company's standard, click on <Publish> this will save the article in your company's knowledge base.

Please reach out to us if you need any help in navigating Humanagement. We are always available via the In-app chat to answer any of your queries. 

You can also reach out to us via Email <>. Check out our Knowledge Base and Blog for more tips on Humanagement.