One of the most important action to do on the Humanagement is to ADD your employees. That way, you can begin to track their performance through the stats and Clock-ins.

In this article, we will walk you through on how to ADD, EDIT & DELETE your employee records as well as searching and viewing existing records. 


Once logged in on Humanagement, you are automatically shown the dashboard. On your left side of your screen is the Tab display  which shows all the available features.

Click on > EMPLOYEE/USERS. on the Drop downs, click on>CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE

This will reveal a Form list to add details of your employee. Toggle from BASIC to FULL to reveal a more comprehensive form which will enable you to add even more details about your employee. 

Remember you can add multiple positions to one employee by toggling on the ASSIGN MULTIPLE POSITION. when done, CLICK SAVE.

To save valuable time, we recommend you use the <BULK IMPORT EMPLOYYE> this enables you to add all your employees at once using an Excel sheet.  We have provided a Template to guide you on the process. Upload the document in the correct format when done the click <SAVE>


To Edit/Update an employee data on Humanagement, click on EMPLOYEE/USER>EMPLOYEE LIST> Use the SEARCH BAR to easily search for an employee using their name or department.

When you find the employee, Click on the employee AVATAR or PROFILE PICTURE to see employee profile .

Once clicked, it will reveal the Employee profile, then click on the > EDIT BUTTON> to reveal the employee form which will allow you add or update the employee records. Click >SAVE> when done.


To delete an Employee or user, go to >SETTINGS>SCROLL DOWN> COMPANY STAFF/USERS> This holds all the staff/employee added on Humanagement both Active and Inactive. 

There are two OPTIONS to remove a user from Humanagement. ARCHIVE or DELETE.

When you ARCHIVE an employee/user, his or her details are retained in the system but will be hidden from the current employee list. The Archived employee user can be retrieved at any time.

The DELETE function will permanently erase the employee data from the system forever and cannot be reversed.

Managing your employee record  is very easy on Humanagement  using the steps outlined in this article. Please know we are always available to assist you with any questions you might have using the Humanagement software.