One of the major advantages of using HR software is the opportunity for self-service. Employees are able to input, adjust, and update their information at will, thereby saving time and eliminating double entry or entries with errors.

But self-service without some level of control can give room to data breaches and allow some information to get into the wrong hands. Permissions in Humanagement give employers the opportunity to control who sees and does what within their organization, and in this article, I'll walk you through why it is important to set permissions and how to do so within the Humanagement app.

What are Permissions?

User accounts in Humanagement are divided into two categories (Admin and Normal). Permissions are used to differentiate between the two accounts.

What is an Admin Account?

An admin account has the ability to add, modify, and permanently delete data from a Humanagement account.

But even within the admin account, there are full and partial admins. A full administrator is one who has control over every aspect of the software, while a partial administrator is granted control over one or more but not all of the software's features.

What is a Normal Account?

A normal account is allowed to only carry out a limited amount of actions. A normal account can only add and sometimes modify data but cannot delete data from the software. A normal account can use the Humanagement software in its entirety but is restricted from carrying out admin functions.

When to use permissions:

You should use permission to limit the amount of action an employee can take within Human Resources. For example, an employee who is made an admin in Attendance Manager can modify time off days and delete time off requests after approval.

Department heads, managers, and supervisors are often made administrators depending on the divisions they oversee. This is also dependent on your organization's structure.

How to set permissions

There are two ways to set permissions on a user account within the Humanagement app.


You can choose the type of account an employee or user can have at the point of adding them into the software. 

Go to < Employee/Users Tab> <Create New Employees> This will reveal a form to either add employees basic or full information. Click on <User Type> to select from the drop down-list the type of account. 

Please Note: The default account is <ADMIN>.


To adjust permissions on an employee profile after  they have been created, click on <Employee/Users> <Employee List> <Employee Avatar/Profile picture> once you're in the employee's profile, scroll down to permissions and toggle ON/OFF permissions for each features.

Please Note: Only an admin can do this.

Know that we're always available to help if you need any assistance with permissions or any other features within the Humanagement App.

Start a conversation with us using the IN-APP Chat or send us an email at